Life After Death Qabar Ka Azad Kesa Ho Ga


Human life is mortal. We need to leave this world on our turn. Science has helped us a ton and made human life resembles a cot of roses yet at the same time science has neglected to answer that why human cells get more established and we kick the bucket. These are a percentage of the riddles that science possibly will never have the capacity to reply. The human life compass that used to associate with 100 years is lessened now to only 50 or 60 years old. Demise is terrible and it likewise can’t be anticipated. In any case, first time ever, the researchers have succeeded to catch the snippets of human passing.
The idea about the life and passing is diverse in distinctive religions. For Hindus they will come 7 times in this world. That why they allude the idea of History repeating itself as your first or second or third conception in this world. For dedicates and Muslims, life is simply once and on judgment day we will need to respond in due order regarding our deeds. Life is simply a test for us. The individuals who take it as a test and exam are constantly generally correct and the individuals who don't trust in the idea of judgment day are basically found in hopeless conditions. All the malice and miss deeds done by the individuals in this world are a direct result of the way that they don't accept that one day they will need to respond in due order regarding all there miss deeds and there will be no departure.
Individuals who are religious in genuine sense are generally found doing honorable deeds and staying far from the transgressions. This is by all accounts infantile however these individuals are the genuine champions in this present reality. One day they will be remunerated for their great work and others will be taking a gander at them with wet eyes.
The idea of life and passing is one of the unsolved riddles of the world. Researchers have neglected to answer it and that is the reason individuals are still startle of death. It can’t be anticipated and can’t be ceased. It’s a framework made by the God to keep adjust on the planet. We can’t upset it and we can’t transform it. There are sure things in this world that men can’t change. Researchers have caught the snippets of death by utilizing the uncommon infra red cams. The outcome is extremely intriguing and it likewise makes the cases of Islam substantially stronger.


The discussion of life after death and the life in this world are the basic apple of discord between different religions. Islam is not just only a religion but also a way of living or simply we can say its a life style.
Those who succeed to fit themselves in this life style are the lucky people who will be rewarded in this world and also in the after life.
The Islamic teachings are mostly discussed as scare y and terrifying but it is nothing more than a propaganda by the anti Islamic media. Islam is the religion of peace and love and Islam don’t believe in forcing other non Muslims to come and follow Islam. however, if anyone is interested in Islam and want to embrace Islam he or she is welcome and will be treated accordingly.
The life in this world is very colorful and it doesnt matter either you are rich or poor, happy or sad, young or old, no one wants to die and everyone wants to live in this world. However, the God has His own plans and He knows the best how to keep the books in balance. Thats why a certain percentage of population die every year.
However, the is a life after this life according to Islam and Christianity as well. This is will start via the Judgement day where the sinners will get punished according to their sins and the noble people who believed in ALLAH and followed the path as adopted by our beloved Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) will get rewarded.
The people who will spend their life in this world indulge in ignorance will pay heavily and this process of punishment will start right from them landing in their graves. This is something scary for the people and those who will stay on the right track will receive graves like the bed of roses.

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