Boy Recorded His Sucide attack


This young boy might be very depress that is why he came to this point in his life. There are different organisations that are working on in order to keep people away from suicide. The only way to keep a person away from attempting suicide is to solve the problem which is making him go for such a pity act.

Suicide is one such unfortunate act that is still happening. This is so hard and so sad situation when a person is bound to kill himself. Here is a young boy who recorded his own death coming in front of a fast moving train. The aftermath of this act is also recorded on the camera. Suicides are happening all over the world. It doesn’t matter either you are rich or poor, you belong to a good country or what is your religion. People go for suicide attempt when they don’t have any more option.
A boy recorded his own attempt of coming in front of a train. This video will show you the after math when a person attempts suicide coming in front of a fast moving trains. The out come of his act results into something really horrible that you might never have thought of. Its is advised not to take part in such actions. This boy might be very depress to do it but he might not be aware of the result that his parents will face.
Our world is full of problems right now. Ever since the new century started the war against terrorism and the recession has affected people largely. This is one of the fundamental reasons of the increase in the cases of suicide attempts as well.
People often go for a suicide attempt what they are depress to a level where they cant see anything much better. The factor of loneliness and financial situation is also one of factors for attempting for suicide. Every economy and culture has its own problem. In the 3rd world countries the suicides are the reason of lack of opportunities, joblessness and bad financial situation. While in West the suicide rate is going high because of the mental diseases. People are frustrated and even if they dont have financial problems but they have mental problems.
In almost every country there is a different law regarding to the suicide cases. For example, in the European countries people attempting for suicide are sent to rehabilitation center. While in many countries, if a person if found guilty of doing suicide, legal action is taken against him. This simply means that he gets out of one trouble and stuck into another.
People attempting for suicide if helped out and given proper guidance can become proper and useful people for the society. A person doing suicide also damages his whole family and relatives as well. A mother going for suicide is not only risking her life but also her children as no one can take care of the children better than their own mother.
In the under developed countries the suicide rate is very high. In India a person go for suicide every few minutes. This is the reason that these countries dont go for any prevention against suicide attempts so that problems die with the people dieing.
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